Privacy policy:

Privacy Policy for Bitcoin 360 AI

Consent to Communication

By selecting the “Proceed” option, you grant us permission to send you updates about our offers. Should you decide to opt-out, you can do so anytime by clicking the unsubscribe link found at the end of every email.

1. Collection of Personal Data

We gather specific information from our app users only when they willingly share it with us. This can occur when they seek details, make transactions, register for our features, or communicate with us. We might request personal details during these interactions, such as when making a payment. We solely use this data to cater to your particular request. We often provide you the choice to determine if you'd like us to utilize this data for other reasons. If you prefer that we don't use your details, kindly reach out to [email protected]. Note that we may still send crucial updates about our features, even if you opt out. We will only share or sell your data if mandated by law, or if there's a direct threat to you or others. Any feedback or suggestions you voluntarily provide is considered non-confidential.

Disclaimer: Our services do not guarantee specific earnings. Your income depends on your efforts and the utilization of our app. Our offerings should not be perceived as a quick-rich scheme.

2. Collection of Non-Personal Data

Bitcoin 360 AI automatically collects generic data, which includes details about your device's internet connection, app usage patterns, and interactions. This data aids us in enhancing our user experience. We employ technologies like “cookies” to offer personalized information, but we never merge this generic data with personal details. You can configure your device to alert you upon receiving a cookie.

3. Third-Party Interactions and Data Security

Data shared in public forums or on platforms hosted by Bitcoin 360 AI will be accessible to all users of those platforms. We cannot assure the security of data shared in such spaces. Additionally, our app may have links to external platforms not managed by Bitcoin 360 AI. We cannot vouch for the security of any data you share on these external platforms. It's advisable to review the privacy policies of these third-party platforms.

4. Legal Obligations and Data Transfer

In line with legal requirements, Bitcoin 360 AI (i) collaborates with legal bodies in any investigation related to any content or alleged illegal activities of any user, and (ii) takes steps to protect its proprietary rights. For such cooperation and to adhere to laws, we might need to disclose personal data. Furthermore, in the event of a potential sale or transfer of Bitcoin 360 AI‘s assets, we reserve the right to transfer your data, including personal details, to a third party that agrees to uphold the commitments of this privacy policy.